Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Greetings from Howland Landing

Uhh, I don’t really know what to say… other than I’m having a lot of fun. I freaked out on the plane when it took off and when it landed for some reason. I’m really sore from snorkeling, (yes that’s possible) my thighs hurt and so do m arms, but not too much. Umm, what else. Oh! THE WET SUITS ARE HORRIBLE! They’re too tight, they hurt my arms, and sometimes they are still wet so its really cold when I put them on L. They keep saying that the water is warm but when I get into the ocean, I feel like I’m bathing in salty ice cubes. It’s a relief to get them off when we’re all done. I saw a lot of cool stuff while snorkeling, like sting rays, and lobsters. My favorite activities so far have been, kayaking, and rock climbing. I climbed the hardest wall like it was the easiest and I was really proud. Kayaking was really fun, they let us get out of our kayaks to swim and when I didn’t want to get out Georgina went ahead and made me capsize (I was in a single kayak). I wasn’t upset but I was wet, luckily it was hot. The food is really good, I’m happy about that. I’m not sure what else to write except that I love you Mom, My sister Dulce, my Dad and my Grandma. BTW Dad if you’re reading this, you Go pro is currently sitting in a bag of rice because when I took it on my kayak to take underwater pictures, water somehow leaked into the case. One of the instructors told me (after) that the case has a fatal flaw, which is that when you take underwater pictures, water sometimes leaks in from the buttons, even though the case is perfectly sealed (like yours was). Don’t be mad at me, I was very safe with it and very conscious of what I was doing. Ask anyone. Again I love you guys and I’ll see you all again on Friday!


Hello fellow readers,

On Monday Savana and I woke up at 2AM but then we went back to sleep and then woke up at 3:40AM. Whoops! After that, we got to the airport. I saw all my friends and I was very excited to be going on the trip. We got on the plane and I was an aisle seat, it was okay. I just read the whole ride until we started to land and I got a really bad earache, it was really bad. Anyways, after that, we got on a bus to go to the boat. That was uneventful. Around 9AM we ate lunch and we got on the boat. I spent most of the ride at the front of the boat getting splashed. It was very fun. We got to Catalina Island around 11:30AM and ate lunch. The food here is delicious. After we ate lunch we unpacked and got ready for our first activity. We went snorkeling! It was so fun. We saw so many fish. In the late afternoon we had a campfire before we went to bed. The next morning I woke up a bit stuffy, We played a bunch of games and climbed the rock wall. Then we went on a night snorkel and it was so cool to see the microorganisms glowing in the dark. Wednesday I woke up sicker than ever. I almost didn’t get to snorkel but I toughened it out and went. J I miss you guys at home and I hope you guys don’t miss me too much ;)
Los quiero mucho,

~ Georgina

Hi everyone,

So far it has been a really amazing trip. On the way here was a pretty cool experience, I got go on a plane with my classmates and even though we were a little crazy it was fun. On the boat trip over I stood out on the deck the whole time with Sadie, Isa, and Georgina; it was really windy and we got kind of wet. Catalina is amazing, our camp is in a little cove area with a nice beach, and many hills. I love my cabin we have so much fun and the activties are so much fun! We have done a lot of snorkeling and many other things. I love it here, but I can’t wait come home.

I miss you all at home,

~ Molly

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